天空中雪花闪烁的蓝色眼睛,银色保时捷911跑车在乌云前高速行驶的虹膜,螺旋翻滚,卡瓦西风格,蓝黑色莫比乌斯条纹构图,图尔科斯基风格的格雷格·鲁插图,数字艺术,笔触,幻想书封面艺术风格。史诗般的告别海报–ar 3:4–v 6.0–s 1000
Close-up of blue glowing eye with snowflakes in the sky, silver Porsche 911 sports car driving at high speed in front of dark clouds inside the iris, spiral tumbling, Kavasi style, blue and black Möbius strip composition, Greg Ru Illustration in Turkoski style, digital art, brush strokes, fantasy book cover art style. Epic Farewell Poster --ar 3:4 --v 6.0 --s 1000
天空中雪花闪烁的蓝色眼睛,银色保时捷911跑车在乌云前高速行驶的虹膜,螺旋翻滚,卡瓦西风格,蓝黑色莫比乌斯条纹构图,图尔科斯基风格的格雷格·鲁插图,数字艺术,笔触,幻想书封面艺术风格。史诗般的告别海报--ar 3:4--v 6.0--s 1000