一个穿着黑色羽绒服和浅蓝色牛仔裤的女孩坐在街道的台阶上,微微抬起头,对站在她面前的男孩微笑。男孩手里拿着手机,把手机屏幕指向女孩,让她看到。像故事一样的镜头,电影镜头。广角,全景。该场景以梦幻般的全身2D动漫风格呈现,采用2024年浪漫手机游戏2D动漫美学,非常适合显示角色或过场动画。 | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译

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A girl in a black down jacket and light blue jeans sits on the steps of the street, looking up slightly and smiling at the boy standing in front of her. The boy holds a mobile phone in his hand and points the screen of the mobile phone to the girl for her to see. Story-like shots, movie shots. Wide angles, panoramic views. The scene is rendered in a dreamy full-body 2D anime style, using the 2024 romantic mobile game 2D anime aesthetic, which is very suitable for displaying characters or cutscenes.




 分类 插画漫画    发表日期收录于25年02月8日