“在巴斯基亚风格的风格中创建一幅大胆而富有表现力的绘画,描绘了一只原始的素描,强大的熊,爪子上拿着一颗光亮的恒星,伸出去以将其放入抽象的天空中。熊的身材是狂野的,充满活力涂鸦般的笔触,由混乱的线条,涂鸦和分层纹理组成。橙色和鲜明的色调,以一种原始的,充满活力的方式涂抹。与整个场景中的黑暗,混乱的元素形成鲜明对比,股票,箭头和零散的文字增强了叛逆艺术能量。明星在天空中进入宇宙,原始的创造时刻。” | 中文prompt咒语大全,ChatGPT咒语,Midjourney咒语,文生图咒语,提示词翻译,prompt翻译

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"Create a bold and expressive painting in Basquiat-style, depicting a rawly sketched, powerful bear holding a brightly glowing star in its paw, reaching out to place it into the abstract sky. The bear’s figure is wild and dynamic, drawn with thick, graffiti-like strokes, its fur made up of chaotic lines, scribbles, and layered textures. The background is filled with intense, contrasting colors--deep blue, fiery yellow, neon orange, and stark white tones, applied in a raw, energetic manner. The sky is a blend of abstract symbols, sharp marks, and cryptic words, reminiscent of Basquiat’s iconic street-art aesthetic. The star in the bear’s paw glows vividly, sharply contrasting with the dark, chaotic elements. Throughout the scene, scattered crowns, arrows, and fragmented text reinforce the rebellious and untamed artistic energy. The bear’s expression is both fierce and mystical, as if it holds the power to shape the universe, one star at a time. The entire painting exudes raw emotion, untamed energy, and surreal symbolism, transforming the simple act of placing a star in the sky into a moment of cosmic, primal creation."




 分类 艺术手绘    发表日期收录于25年02月26日