这幅画的背景显示了一个巨大的雪人在牛奶中,一个女孩在海中游泳,周围环绕着泡泡,漂浮在一个白色的星球上。插图样式以蓝色和白色的色调为主导,并带有金箔装饰,形成了散发出凉爽色彩的平坦构图。 Harriet Lee-Merrion风格,结合了日本动漫,复古插图和儿童读物艺术的元素,以增加现场的深度。该描述显示了复杂的细节和纹理,从而捕捉了沉浸在透明液体中的异想天开。从天上俯视,伯德的眼景,64k,
The background of the painting shows a giant snowman in a sea of milk, a girl swimming in the sea, surrounded by bubbles, floating on a white planet. The illustration style is dominated by blue and white tones, with gold foil embellishments, creating a flat composition that exudes cool colors. Harriet Lee-Merrion style, combining elements of Japanese anime, vintage illustrations and children's book art to add depth to the scene. This depiction shows intricate details and textures, capturing the whimsy of being immersed in a transparent liquid. Looking down from the sky, bird's eye view, 64K,
这幅画的背景显示了一个巨大的雪人在牛奶中,一个女孩在海中游泳,周围环绕着泡泡,漂浮在一个白色的星球上。插图样式以蓝色和白色的色调为主导,并带有金箔装饰,形成了散发出凉爽色彩的平坦构图。 Harriet Lee-Merrion风格,结合了日本动漫,复古插图和儿童读物艺术的元素,以增加现场的深度。该描述显示了复杂的细节和纹理,从而捕捉了沉浸在透明液体中的异想天开。从天上俯视,伯德的眼景,64k,